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You like coffee? I'm brewing some.
I will post some of these followings topics:
- Some tutorials that i need to, back and forth, check
- Documentation of my progress on the Hack The Box / CTFs / Challenges
- Documentation / progress / ideas about the implementation of projects about networking and netsec, mostly using Free / Libre / Open Source projects
- Some code that i will write (Hackerrank, Codechef, Cryptopals, Cryptohack, etc)
- Projects that i am working / developing
- Random ranting
- Art that i will produce in some nearby future (music, stories)
- Research (future)
2025/01/05: Welp, i will revive this blog. In this year i will study to certificate at AWS and Fortinet. My job still sucks ass, maybe i will try to work as developer. Who knows. Will populate this blog from now on.
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